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How to Turn ON Auditing?

To turn on Auditing.
1. Open Cognos Configuration
2. Right-click on Logging and from the popup menu select
New Resource->Destination.
3. Name the new resource Audit, and leave the type as Database, then click OK.
4. Right-click on the resource Audit, and from the popup menu select
New Resource->Database.
5. Name the database resource, and change the type to, then clicck OK.
6. Select the database above, and enter the database details
7. Right-click on Audit, and from the popup menu select Test.
8. If the Audit database test is successful then click Close, else click Details and investgate the problem.
9. Now restart your cognos server.

This is only the first step, the rest of the steps are as follows:

1. Login to the Cognos Server with an Administrator Account
2. Select Administer Cognos Content, from the small menu on the left select System
3. From the Lower Right panel select Set Properties, then select the Category Logging, change all values to Basic, and select the boxes Audit the native query for batch report service and Audit the native query for report service